Mastering Customer Reviews

The influence of customer reviews in shaping purchasing decisions and drive business/brand growth.

- 4 min read

Mastering Customer Reviews

Online reviews are a cornerstone of user generated content (UGC) and social proof. Businesses and brands that leverage customer reviews to improve their reputation, realize the significant impact that reviews have on their growth and success.

Benefits of Customer Reviews

The benefits of customer reviews range from increasing sales to getting customer feedback that improves the business.

Enhanced Visibility

Online reviews enhance visibility on search engines. Business that have a large number of reviews on Yelp and Google rank higher on Google Search and Google Maps. The higher your business's ranking on the top search engines the greater visibility to potential customers.

Increase Sales

Positive reviews and testimonials effect the decision making process for consumers. A large number of positive reviews encourage new customers to purchase a product or service from your business. Proven methods are displaying reviews near the business or product's name and having testimonials reinforce the customers decision to purchase at checkout.

Build Trust and Credibility

Customer reviews build social proof. Social proof is a psychological factor that confirms an individuals assumptions based on an individual or group's actions. Reviews build trust and credibility similar to verbal referrals and recommendations.

Customer Feedback and Improvement:

Reviews offer valuable insights for the business. Negative reviews may outweigh positive reviews in a consumers decision, but properly responding to a customers concerns can demonstrate that the business cares about the customers concerns and a reinforce authenticity. And that the business will make adjustments if the error is on their part.

Competitive Advantage

Positive reviews can set a business or product apart from competitors. Details in customer reviews can outline information about the business that may not be in the marketing material.

The Influence of Customer Reviews

There are several psychological factors that influence consumers with customer reviews.

Build Trust

Reviews build trust by creating social proof and validation. Customers like to have confirmation about their decision. This form of digital word of mouth confirm the popularity and quality of a product or service for the customer prior to purchase.

Support Decisions

Reviews help the customer reduce their perceived risk in their purchase. Detailed feedback from previous customers helps increase consumer confidence by getting their questions answered by their peers. Even negative reviews that are properly responded to by the business help increase credibility.

Review Interpretation and Cognitive Bias

Customers can interpret reviews differently. Negative reviews may carry more weight than positive reviews, however the business response can help mitigate the negative influence. Businesses that only display positive reviews may lose credibility and authenticity in the view of potential customers.

Customers also like to see more recent reviews verse older reviews. Newer reviews will carry more weight in the decision process for a customer than older reviews. Newer reviews are perceived to be more relevant than older reviews.

An influential factor in cognitive bias is confirmation bias. People will seek out reviews that confirm their existing beliefs.

Strategies for Generating More Reviews

There are many strategies for generating more customer reviews.

Creating a seamless review process

The best way to get more customer reviews is to simplify the process. Make it easy for your customer to leave you a review. Whether your preference is for the customer to leave a review on a review platform like Google or a testimonial for your website, make the process simple and obvious.

kisReviews provides a single review platform page where your business can list all your preferred review platform links and testimonials for your website.

Leveraging multiple review platforms

Creating a seamless review process coupled with identifying the best review platforms for your business will give you the best opportunity for generating reviews. kisReviews provides a single review platform page where your business can list all your preferred review platform links. An added feature is the QR Code. Your business can use a single QR Code and list all your review platforms in a single location for your customer to chose from.

Handling Negative Reviews

No business or brand likes getting negative reviews but they are inevitable. Keep in mind that negative reviews when handled properly can boost a business's credibility and authenticity.

A few tips:

  • Don't take it personally. Keep your responses professional and address the situation. Never attack the customer personally or be too defensive.
  • Respond promptly. Acknowledge the situation quickly so other customers know you take customer feedback seriously and address issues quickly.
  • Improve. Use the feedback to improve your service or product.
  • Offer Solution. Provide a practical solution if there was an issue with the service or product. If there is a customer misunderstanding help clarify the situation.

Leveraging Reviews for Marketing and Growth

Customer reviews are a great source of user generated content and can be leverage across marketing channels.

Incorporating reviews into marketing materials

Incorporating customer reviews on your website, social media and printed marketing material is a great way to increase the visibility of the review for new customers. Reviews left by well known individuals can notably influence new customers in purchase your service or product.

Showcasing reviews across various marketing channels

Showcasing reviews is a proven method to increase sales. Testimonials during checkout help influence customer in completing the purchase. Showcasing customer reviews on social media enhance visibility.


Customer reviews can be a powerful marketing tool for businesses of any size. To maximize their effectiveness remember to: make getting reviews a seamless process, use review platforms and be consistent in asking for reviews.

If your business needs help getting reviews try out - One QR Code, One Page, All Your Review Sites.