Get Online Reviews with Email

Get more reviews by asking your customers via email. Keeping it short and simple.

- 2 min read

Get Online Reviews with Email

Email is an ideal medium to request a review from your customers if you have their email address. An email is unobtrusive, convenient and can be personalized for your customer.

Get Online Reviews Effectively via Email

Consider the following steps to get online reviews effectively through email:

Timing is Important

The best time to ask a customer for a review is after a successful transaction or interaction. It is important to send the email request promptly. Ideally, the email should be sent within 1-3 days while the experience is still fresh in their minds.

Write a Compelling Email

Clear Subject Line: A clear subject line will help the customer quickly identify what the email is about. For example:

  • We'd Love Your Feedback! 🌟 Can You Share a Quick Review?
  • Please review your recent visit to {business name}

Personalize the Message: Address the customer by their name and reference their specific purchase or interaction.

Keep It Short and Clear: Customers are busy and we are asking them to take some time to leave us a review. Be clear and concise.

Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA): Within the clear and concise body of the email include a direct link and/or link with an image that takes the user to the site to leave a review.

Signature: In the signature at the end of the email be sure to thank them for their review and identify your business.

Make It Easy to Leave a Review

In order to make leaving a review easy, include links to where you would like the customer to leave a review. Minimize the number of clicks for the customer and emails and review pages should be optimized for mobile.

Follow Up Strategically

If a customer does not respond on the first request, consider giving a gentle reminder. Send a follow-up email after a week. Keep it polite and concise.

Show Appreciation

Show your customers you appreciate their reviews by sharing reviews. Feature reviews on your website and social media. Displaying reviews and testimonials demonstrates you appreciate the customer and builds trust with other customers.

Monitor Feedback and Respond

Acknowledge reviews by respond promptly to both positive and negative reviews. Show your customer that you value their feedback. This also shows other customers that you are customer-centric and listen to their needs.

Adjust your strategies by using the feedback to improve your products or services.

Offering an Incentive

Offering an incentive for the review in your email can be a tricky strategy. Review platforms like Google and Yelp prohibit offering incentives for a review in their Terms of Use. If your business is caught offering an incentive for a review on their platform they may remove all your existing reviews and punish your profile on their platform.

Other platforms like Capterra, it is common practice to offer an incentive.

However, this really depends on your business and which review platforms you use for your business. Best practice is to follow the review platforms rules.


In conclusion, using email to request online reviews is an effective strategy when done thoughtfully, systematically and consistently.

To help your business with this strategy consider - Get Reviews on Autopilot. In addition to email, kisReviews offers QR Codes and a review landing page where your business can list all your preferred review platforms.